This Bible study will explore the message to the Church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:7-13. This is one of the seven letters to the churches in Asia Minor, and it offers a powerful message of encouragement and faithfulness. The Church in Philadelphia receives only praise from Jesus, unlike some of the other churches, making this a very encouraging passage. If you’d like to explore other churches mentioned in Revelation, you might be interested in our study on Revelation 2: The Church in Thyatira – Online Bible Study or Revelation 2: The Church in Pergamum – Online Bible Study.

Introduction to the Church in Philadelphia

  • The name “Philadelphia” means brotherly love.
  • It was the youngest of the seven cities addressed in Revelation and was originally founded as a missionary outpost for Hellenism, the culture of ancient Greece.
  • The city’s original purpose was to spread Greek language, culture, and manners throughout the Asian provinces.
  • The Church in Philadelphia is commended for keeping God’s Word and not denying His name.
  • The Church in Philadelphia was doing well in difficult circumstances.

Jesus’s Self-Identification to the Church (v. 7)

  • Jesus identifies Himself as “He who is holy, He who is true”.
  • He is the one “who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”.
    • This is a reference to Isaiah 22:20-23, demonstrating Jesus’ power and authority to admit and exclude.
    • This shows Jesus’ authority over access to God’s kingdom.
  • This introduction emphasizes that Jesus is the one who controls access and is faithful and true.
  • He is the one who can open doors that no one can shut, and shut doors that no one can open.

Jesus’s Knowledge of the Church in Philadelphia (v. 8)

  • Jesus says “I know your deeds,” which he says to each of the seven churches.
  • He acknowledges their good works and service to God despite difficult circumstances.
  • He says, “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it”.
    • This open door represents an opportunity for evangelism and spreading the Gospel.
    • It could also refer to the opportunity to enter God’s kingdom in contrast with being excluded from the synagogue.
  • The Church in Philadelphia had “a little strength,” but they “have kept My word, and have not denied My name”.
    • This shows that faithfulness is not about great strength but about reliance on God and obedience to His word.
    • This also indicates that some churches may claim to be faithful to the word of Jesus but deny His character.

Promises to the Church in Philadelphia (vv. 9-10)

  • Jesus promises to make those “of the synagogue of Satan” who falsely claim to be Jews come and worship before their feet.
    • This indicates that the Church in Philadelphia faced persecution from Jewish people who were not true to their faith.
  • He also says, “I will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth”.
    • This promise suggests that the Church in Philadelphia will be protected during a time of global tribulation.
    • It does not necessarily mean that they will be removed from the Earth, but rather that they will be kept safe during this period.

Exhortation to the Church (v. 11)

  • Jesus encourages them to “hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown”.
    • They must not depart from their foundation of evangelistic opportunity, reliance on God, and faithfulness to Jesus.
    • This emphasizes the importance of perseverance in faith and service.
  • He reminds them that He is coming quickly, and they should prepare for His coming.
    • The word “quickly” here means something sudden and unexpected, not necessarily immediately.
    • The crown mentioned is not one of royalty, but of victory for finishing the course strongly.

General Exhortation and Conclusion (vv. 12-13)

  • Jesus gives a promise for those who overcome. He will make them a pillar in the temple of God and they will never leave. Also, he will write on them the name of God, the city of God and his new name.
  • He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
    • This is a call for everyone to listen to the message given to the Church in Philadelphia.
    • To be like the Church in Philadelphia, believers should stay on the foundation of Jesus’ name and word, and depend on Jesus as their source of strength.
    • If you are interested in learning more about the seven churches of Revelation, see our article: Seven Churches Exposed: A Powerful Prophetic Legacy.
    • This church is commended for keeping the Word of the Lord and not denying His Name.

In summary, the letter to the Church in Philadelphia is one of encouragement and commendation. It highlights the importance of faithfulness, perseverance, and reliance on God’s strength. It emphasizes the open door for evangelism and the promise of protection during times of trial. The Church in Philadelphia serves as a model for believers to follow, urging them to hold fast to their faith and remain dedicated to God’s word.
